
2. Extract .zip file and put the folder somewhere, don't delete it.

3. Type and open chrome://extensions on the Google Chrome

4. Enable Developer mode

5. Click Load unpacked button, then choose the folder

6. You will be redirected to the login page.
Log in with, and your extension will be ready to help with your job.

Firefox Addons

Use link above to install Mozilla Firefox add-on

Firefox Addons

Use link above to install Microsoft Edge add-on

2. Extract .zip file and put the folder somewhere, don't delete it.

3. Type and open brave://extensions on the Brave Browser

4. Enable Developer mode

5. Click Load unpacked button, then choose the folder

6. You will be redirected to the login page.
Log in with, and your extension will be ready to help with your job.

If you encounter issues when installing the browser extension, feel free to contact us here.